Monday, November 03, 2008

There's a special place in Hell for people like this.....

Click on the link to read a sordid tale of a Halloween Buzzkill and all around mean person.   And they wonder why we treat the Elderly like crap.....some of them deserve it.   Remember that grumpy old white bitch in your neighborhood?  Remember her?  She would emerge from her Dungeon to growl at you for walking on her lawn.  In an affluent neighborhood in Detroit this rich old biddy was turning kids away from her house on Halloween if their Parents were Obama supporters.   When asked by reporters what about the poor kids that she turned away that burst into tears this wrinkled old prune said "Well everybody's got a choice.....".    Talk about taking sour grapes to the next level.   Nothing in the article as to what her house looked like the next day.  If this had been in my neighborhood when I was a kid.....oh the amount of TP and eggs her house would have been covered in would have been astounding.  We would have thrown the most eggs at her to eat away that paint job.  She had a sign up warning everyone but still.  These are freaking kids who have no control over what their parents do or even care about politics.   Although I'd like to thank her, she's just driven a crapload of future voters to the Democratic Party....good job beyatch!!!  As a parent I'd take this opportunity to console my kids by saying "see Honey, that's what Republicans do.  They are EVIL people who are in league with the Devil.....". 

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