Thursday, November 06, 2008

The Tears they taste so sweet......

I can't get over people out here.........your guy lost, have a new it or not he's the leader of this Great Nation you love so much but yet I hear asshats say they want him to fail or be assassinated. Your tears...they taste like sweet nectar to me.......yum..... So let me get this straight; you want our Country to fall into ruin. You want our leader to fail and die? Really? You know if I said shit like that about Bush you'd call me UnAmerican and want me to be deported. Talk like that isn't Patriotic. So don't you fucks dare tell me how Patriotic you are...screw you. Now I know you're saying "but Mr.'d be pissed off if McCain won..." Oh yes I would have been very pissed off, but I wouldn't call for the man's assasination. Nor would I want him to fail....Hell no!! Look I hate Bush, that's no secret, but I don't want the man to die. I just wanted the Man to be a fucking leader...but instead he became a gross Mockery of the Office he holds. He dragged that Noble Office through the muck and mire and spit on the memory of those that came before him. Great and Noble men; Lincoln, Jefferson, etc. Your guy lost; suck it up you freaking whiners!!!!! Like you bastards have been saying for the past 8 years, and I will say it to you now: America, Love it or Leave it. There's one door that leads North and the other leads South....then there's several other nations to choose from. Go, get the fuck out......we don't need your negative asses around anyway. You are what's stopping this Country from working. You're negativity and Partisan politics are what keeps us down and what's making us a laughing stock on this Planet. When the rest of the World celebrates our choice of a new leader, that should tell you something right there. I'm all for Free Speech, but there comes a time when we really should rexamine that right. The KKK and Neo Nazi, Black Panthers, etc these groups should be labeled Domestic Terrorists and shut down. Hell all Street Gangs should be declared Domestic Terrorists and shut down. Yes, everyone has the right to say what the Hell they want, but you know what.......if what you're saying is hate speech, then you should lose all rights to say it....or at least have to suffer consequences for it.

And here's a link to a photo montage of the next President to further fuel those tears....


Anonymous said...

Just to be fair Mr. Democratic President Clinton didnt exactly leave the office without dragging it through the mud also, with talk of impeachment and lying directly to our faces.

Steve T. said...

He lied about having an affair, which has nothing to do with national security or ruining our economy or getting men and women killed. First off an affair like that is between the man and his wife and none of our business. The Clinton's problem was their checkered past, Whitewater, etc. Ken Starr was on a personal mission to get rid of Clinton. I gave Clinton one term, I voted for Perot the second time.